October 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

Kehinde Wiley Painting Joined : photo by Malcolm Aslett



A new acquisition for the Richmond Gallery. Times are changing in this former Confederate city and this iconic portrait by Wiley mixes the pomp of ...well, there's just lots of pomp everywhere and I don't need to give a History of Art lecture.

It was simply done this one. I took the photos and used the stitch program in Adobe CS. I straightened a couple of lines and that was it. I liked the 'shazzam' effect of the outer white patches in relation to the picture. Figure I can leave it at that.

I didn't take the photos square on so there is a bit of perspective beyond the obvious in a picture hung quite high to begin with.

As reproducitons often leave the frame 'out of the picture' it is always interesting to see in this form. Odd they leave the frame out on some iconic works when the frames were made by gifted designers and craftsmen and become an essential part of the object by dint of centuries of use. This one is a bit generic but that is fine. The swatch-like choice of the frame feeds into the context of the work.



